Feizy Rugs handwoven Berkeley Collection in modern living room

Feizy: Plytix saves luxury rug manufacturers more than 80%


Saved 4x the cost in one year after switching from another PIM provider to Plytix


Repurposed those $ to build a new, solid product data foundation for the company


1 central place to store all product information

All the bells and whistles for less than half the price


The need to get with the times ... 

With 47-years of success under their belt, it was time to innovate. "We wanted to invest in a product data tool but didn’t know where to start,” says Ronald Chow, Director of Operations at Feizy.

“Most homeware companies are quite traditional – they don’t have the foundation to support their digital assets. For us, our interest in a PIM system was born out of a growing need: how we were managing our product data internally.”

Ronald chow


“An easy-to-use PIM with around-the-clock support”

“Our first PIM experience was with a competitor – we were paying 4x the cost for a Product Information Management system that we hardly used. Fortunately, I (Ronald) joined Feizy around the time the subscription was up for renewal. To be honest, I was really surprised by the early PIM stage we were at, and so I questioned whether a $60,000+ yearly investment in a product information tool made sense for our organization.”

Feizy re-evaluated their decision based on three questions:

  • “Are we giving the tool enough usage?”

  • “Are we completely satisfied with the service from our current provider?"

  • “Is the platform paying for itself?

The answer to all three was no – a big red flag!

“Considering that we were still in the early stages of our PIM endeavor, we then decided that we needed something with more of a support side to it. Something easy-to-use and very straightforward.”


A second opinion close to home

“With a clear idea of what we were looking for in a PIM, we began exploring other alternatives.”

Ronald spoke to his brother, Thomas, Director of Operations at Twisted X, to see how they were managing product data. "He spoke highly of Plytix, especially customer support.“

“After that conversation, we booked a meeting and signed up. Before we knew it, we had imported all our products to the PIM.”

feizy rug 2


“Affordability and customer service excellence in one! ”

“Once we saw that we could accomplish the same things with Plytix (if not more) for less than half the price, it was a no-brainer. Plytix was the best solution!”

“Out of all of the software platforms we use, Plytix is first when it comes to customer service. We can talk to an actual person and get any issue resolved – fast. Plytix is always happy to help!”

  • "We saved 4x the cost in one year!"
  • "We built a new, solid product data foundation with Plytix's help!"
  • "We now have one storage system accessible for all, for all our data!"

Feizy rug

“We saved 4x the cost in one year from switching to Plytix. We repurposed those dollars in building the core foundation we need and setting our data right.”

Ronald Chow, Director of Operations at Feizy